Pathways that extend lifespan by 500 percent identified
Discovery of cellular mechanisms could open door to more effective anti-aging therapies
Date: January 8, 2020
Source: Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory
Summary: Scientists have identified synergistic cellular pathways for longevity that amplify lifespan fivefold in C. elegans, a nematode worm used as a model in aging research. The increase in lifespan would be the equivalent of a human living for 400 or 500 years, according to one of the scientists.

Scientists at the MDI Biological Laboratory, in collaboration with scientists from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, Calif., and Nanjing University in China, have identified synergistic cellular pathways for longevity that amplify lifespan fivefold in C. elegans, a nematode worm used as a model in aging research.
The increase in lifespan would be the equivalent of a human living for 400 or 500 years, according to one of the scientists.
Comment: Science is rapidly moving towards longevity and better health. That being the case if the above article excerpt is correct, I think it’s about time that people start thinking very seriously about keeping in good health.

Living 500 years with the pains and trauma of being obese could be more of a torture or a blessing. Living with the pain of arthritis, heart conditions, several strokes, diabetes, etc. might just be a curse rather than a blessing.
Eat only food and eat right, limit body abuse from alcohol, smoking and other debilitating practices for very soon you might just live 500 tears in illness and pain.
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