When eating out, avoid deep-fried foods and wheat at all costs, make sure that you question whether the food is organic or not and how they cook it. When you avoid wheat you stay away from partially hydrogenated oils and the killer ingredient in 95% of our foods, high fructose corn syrup.

While processing foods and loading them with chemicals and sugars is the norm in the American food supply, it is rarely used in other countries, except where American corporations are involved, or American restaurants have infiltrated that country.
If you follow those steps, you will be doing the best you can to protect yourself. But there is a simple thing you can do to help protect others, as well:
When you see a food that contains partially hydrogenated oils (especially if it claims to be healthy), lay it down on the shelf so the “marketing label” can’t be seen.

If you want to go as far as putting a “Post-It” sticker on them that says, “Contains Hydrogenated oil”, that would be a just warning to other shoppers. (Sometimes it’s impossible to lay things down on the shelves, so at least put that pos-it sticker saying “Contains Hydrogenated oil” to warn other shoppers.) Companies spend on a fortune designing eye-catching packages to sell their products. Making the graphic unrecognizable has to impact sales, at least a little bit.
Hopefully, with our active help lawsuits against “food” producers that will force them to do “the right thing” regardless of monetary gain will happen in the very near future.
The scientific knowledge has been available since the early 1990’s, so food manufacturers are fully aware of what they’re doing. They’re ignoring the health effects of the food for the sake of profit. Their behavior is both unethical and immoral. It is our job to make them be illegal, as well.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer