Working out is hard to do because we make it so. We feel that we need to suffer, be in pain and feel exhausted to actually believe that we are accomplishing some sort of positive results when we work out. Unfortunately that’s the same reason why we quit!
Workouts are design to tear us down and rest is designed to build us back up, however if the amount of “tear down” is too excessive, we end up feeling that workouts are torturous and we rather do something fun or more relaxing and live with the guilt of a body we don’t like. The good news is that working out doesn’t have to be that way. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes a day to accomplish excellent results to build a great looking body.

Because most workouts are designed to break down, stress out, wear out and constantly “max out” the body, most people start, peak-out, and quit in a very short period of time. – Hector Sectzer

Maybe due to media hype, maybe because people with trim or muscular bodies want us to think that they have to go through arduous and tormenting workouts to achieve their goal, we seem to buy into that without researching for a better way to desired fitness.

The real purpose of a fitness training program is to work out to stay fit, strong and to experience a better quality of life. Weight loss toned and firmer bodies, better digestion, better-looking skin, less stress, etc., are merely the positive side effects of proper work outs designed to keep you healthier and happier.