• Chia Seeds: The mild-tasting seed is rich in nutritional benefits and omega fatty acids, but it wasn’t on Americans’ radar as a food item until a 2009 book explained how ancient Mayan and Aztec runners used chia seeds to boost endurance.
Chia seeds benefits: Chia Seeds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients with very few calories.
Chia Seeds are loaded with antioxidants, almost all the carbs in them are fiber, chia seeds are high in quality protein, the high fiber and protein content in chia seeds may help you lose weight, and chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Note – Unfortunately books and media advertising and sometimes re-capped history from the past gets distorted in the translation. The Mayans ate simple food, fruits, vegetables, avocados, as well as cacao, which they implemented in their diet and their currency. That and in addition to Chia seeds improved their endurance. Please don’t eat garbage and then chia seeds and think that you’ll have any sort of improvement.

• Almonds: They are a good source of protein, very tasty in breakfast cereals and Thanks to a dedicated marketing campaign, between 2005 and 2014 demand rose by 220%, so the average American was then consuming more than 2 pounds per year, compared to a quarter-pound in the ’70s.
Note – Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss.

- Nut Milk: Increased interest in a healthier lifestyle and staying away from products from the cow which are riddled with hormones and additives, led to a larger market for dairy alternatives like rice, hemp, and cashew milk. Almond milk has been by far the most popular, contributing to almond’s annual production weight increasing from under 1 billion pounds in 2005 to 2.15 billion in 2016.
Benefits: It is nutritious, it is low in calories, unsweetened almond milk doesn’t raise blood sugar, it is dairy-free, enriched almond milk may strengthen your bones, it may reduce the risk of heart disease, enriched almond milk is high in vitamin d.
Negatives on Nut Milk: Unfortunately, nut milk from the supermarkets have a tendency to add sugar, additives and preservatives to the product, making this “good food” into “bad food.” It is important that you read ingredient labels on all foods to avoid being tricked into bad health. Easy alternative? Make your own nut milk.
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