Eating is a form of supplying the body with the necessary nutrients to function. When eating we must provide the correct macros at every meal to be able to keep a burning process in the body and avoid uncontrollable cravings.
The biggest issue with personal nutrition today is that people don’t eat to provide nutrients to the body. People eat to deal with stress, depression, excitement, panic, solace, abuse, etc. as well as to engage in fun social events, when they’re happy, when they’re excited, when watching TV, etc.

In essence people eat for every purpose except for proper nutrition. This type of behavior is like putting gasoline in the car every time you look at it, disregarding whether the car is full of gasoline or not. We put fuel in our automobiles to supply the vehicle with the necessary petrol to function so… We should put fuel in our bodies strictly to supply the body with the necessary nutrients to function Food addiction can take many forms.
Symptoms include obesity, under-eating, and bulimia. People often think of the term “eating disorders” when describing the disease of food addiction. Food addicts are obsessed with food, body size, and weight.
We spend our days thinking about when and what we are going to eat or not eat. Binging, purging, and dieting are a way of life.
The bottom line is that we can’t stop thinking about eating. Eat to supply the body with nutrients every 3 to 4 hours and make sure that at every meal you give your body the correct macros:
* A Palm of Protein
* A Fist of Vegetables
* A Cupped Hand of Complex Carbohydrates and…
* A Thumb of Fat Use your hand to measure and don’t deviate from the measurements.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer