The amount recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA), which is 9 teaspoons per day (36 grams) for men and 6 teaspoons for women (24 grams).

A lot of people tell me they eat healthy and when I ask what they ate yesterday, they respond…
I had some low-fat yogurt (a 245-gram cup contains 47 grams of sugar, 12 teaspoons of sugar). And some granola (100 grams contains 6 teaspoons of sugar).
Then for Lunch I had a veggie burger, with BBQ sauce (2 tablespoons contain 14 grams of sugar over 3 teaspoons), a glass of orange juice (10 teaspoons of sugar).
For dinner I had spaghetti with Newman’s Own Marinara sauce (1 teaspoon has 7 grams of sugar). (Average serving two tablespoons 28 grams of sugar).

The total sugar alone for this day was 36 teaspoons of sugar and that is without counting the actual meals, like the bread, the veggie burger and the spaghetti. This person consumed in one day the sugar allotment for 6 days.
There’s no telling what other chemicals, fat content, calorie content, etc. she consumed from those meals, and I won’t even go there.
It is extremely important to be aware of the chemical content, sugar content and any additives in the food, before you start with your bad habit of counting calories. The excess sugar and the chemicals alone destroy any vitamins and minerals that the meal has, so the nutritional label can be totally disregarded.
When you think you are eating healthy because you have been brainwashed by advertisements and wrongly following some fad diet, it is time to do the research yourself to make sure that you are keeping yourself healthy.
Sugar as a complex carbohydrate is essential for your health…too much sugar will kill…slowly and painfully, but it will kill.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer