The fact is that when you want food, your body wants nutrients that will help it function throughout your waking hours.
Therefor the body asks for “Real Food” … on the other hand your brain asks for JUNK FOOD!!! Why is that? Because you have trained your brain to get excited over chemically processed food and excessive sugar. That causes a chain reaction where you use the “Junk Food” to get energy and quickly crush so you need more junk food to keep you up or alert.

Why can´t I Say “No” To Junk Food?
So why does this phenomenon happen? Because the manufacturers of food use chemicals and sugars to get YOUR BRAIN addicted to their foods. So, how strong are you? How powerful is your will power? Can you do what you ask heroin, crack, amphetamines and cocaine addicts to do??? Just say no!???
If you want to be successful on losing weight and have more energy as well as keeping away from illnesses, work on your brain and the body will follow.
The body… and how it communicates
- The body is constant and predictable.
- The body asks for nutrients only, not for food by name.
- The body has no knowledge of taste, smell, or flavor of a particular meal or food.
The body only asks
for nutrients to balance a particular deficiency in your system.

- The body “never lies”
- The body has a need to be nutritionally balanced.
- The body deals with the “possible’ while the mind handles the “impossible”.
- The body will accept any and all commands by the mind, regardless of its apparent damage.
There is no possible way to be successful in a nutritional program unless the mind has been influenced to accept it.

The mind… and how it communicates
- The mind cheats.
- The mind manipulates.
- The mind tricks you.
- The mind will deceive you.
- The mind will control you.
Why is that?… Because you trained your mind to behave in that manner and now it controls you beyond your power to say “NO” …or does it?