A number of issues come to mind on why people do not eat organic foods. The following are some of the objections I often get:
- I can’t stop I’m ‘hooked’ on eating all the time
- Organic foods are more expensive than other foods
- With organic foods I can’t eat the foods I like
- How do I know that when a particular food in the supermarket is marked organic, is in fact any different than any other food that is not organic?
- We’re all going to die anyway
So the above are some of the objections I normally get when I ask people to make sure that they eat organic foods. I will handle each objection separately to avoid confusion.

- Overconsumption: Unfortunately foods that are not organic contain chemicals that are extremely addictive and therefore they drive us to eat larger portions at one sitting and also to eat more often and more often than not the food we overeat is junk food. Chemicals like rocket fluid, artificial coloring, anti-freeze, high-fructose corn syrup, Aspartame, Monosodium glutamate (MSG), Sodium benzoate, Sodium nitrite, trans fats, etc. are used in our foods and food packaging. And of course the most addicting of all is sugar. The food manufacturers use over 200 different names for sugar on the ingredient labels to fool the consumer into thinking that there’s no ‘sugar’ in their foods.
Bottom Line? People can not control their food portions and the frequency of their eating with all those addicting chemicals in the food. Numerous tests done by major universities and research companies showed that sugar is eight times as addicting as cocaine. It takes 3 to 4 times the amount of non-organic consumed food to get the same nutrition as you would get in only one sitting of organic food. Handle food addiction as you would any other type of drug addiction by starting the withdrawal process now.
- Organic foods are more expensive: While this statement is correct and for the life of me, I don’t know why foods that don’t have to be processed are more expensive than those that are. One of the things I can think of is the fact that organic foods spoil quicker than those that are not and thus manufacturers would lose fruits and vegetables during transportation, so different more restrictive methods need to be used to get food to the market quicker before it spoils. However it takes three times the amount of non-organic foods to get the nutrients that your body needs as compared to the nutrition that organic food provides. Initially those that have been overconsuming food for a long time will need to work on the psychological effect of their actions and slowly cut down their eating habits while switching to organic foods to improve their health and wellbeing.
Bottom Line? You are a functioning addict just like those people that are hooked on cocaine, or smack, alcohol, amphetamines, or any other kind of stimulant. So coming down from eating chemically manufactured food will have similar withdrawals to those that attempt to quit street drugs. If you have anyone in life that you care for, family, children, mother or father, brothers and sisters or close friends, do it for them get off the food addiction…ask them for help.

- With organic foods I can’t eat the foods I like: Saying this is like saying that if a person gives up cocaine, they’ll never be able to use cocaine again. Understand that when you finally overcome the chemical food addiction, your taste buds will cure and change, your inner organs will slowly repair, and you’ll be more energized and, in less pain, and less depression. The fact is that you’ll get the food you want; however you’ll want different foods, just like a drug addict that no longer wants the high from the drug.
Bottom Line? Get off the drugs, get off the foods that contain addicting chemicals, regain control, stop being a puppet and a slave to chemically filled food.
- How do I know that when a particular food in the supermarket is marked organic, is in fact any different than any other food that is not organic? The answer to that is…you don’t, just like you don’t know if your doctor is telling you the truth or just keeping you sick so you can earn more money, just like you don’t know if the politician you voted for was lying or is he/she going to fix things for the better, just like you don’t know if you’ll get in an accident or not when you’re driving your car, just like you don’t know if your significant other is cheating on you until you find out he/she is, etc. The way to overcome those feelings is by doing the right research, buy from supermarkets you trust, buy from the manufacturers you trust, grow some of your own food and learn how to listen to your body when it comes to nutrition and not be affected and influenced by outside elements that confuse your brain, such as advertising, negative friends, unsupportive family members, etc.
- Bottom Line? Stop making excuses and like Nike says…” Just Do It”
- We’re all going to die anyway: There’s no truer statement than this one. However you have a choice here, and that’s to live a life of pain and suffering then dying or living a life of health and happiness then dying…your choice.
- Bottom Line? Longevity is wonderful when you are healthy and happy…however longevity sucks when you’re in pain and suffering on a daily basis. Again… your choice.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer