Just because an item is on the “health food” shelf, or calls itself “health food”, like Tiger’s Milk bars, does not mean that they will not contain partially hydrogenated oils…Tiger’s Milk bars contain partially hydrogenated oils. This is product marketed as a “health food” which gives more credence to the fact that manufacturers will lie and is up to the consumer to read labels. Stop buying a product and it will be off the shelf of your local supermarket or health store.

Food Manufacturers ignore the health effects of their products for the sake of profit.
The more labels you read, the more astonished you will be at the variety and number of places that this insidious killer shows up. Do your lifesaving homework and read the ingredient labels of all the food you are about to purchase.
Food manufacturers are now using “mono-diglycerides,” in the food products they put out on supermarket shelves. Mono-diglycerides is another hydrogenated oil product.
Deep-Fried Foods: The Creator of “Free Radicals” in the human body…The Other Killer
Recently, this type of information on the damaging effects of our processed foods, is beginning to penetrate the public consciousness. However looking at the raise in illnesses in the USA, the large percentage of obesity and the amount of doctor’s prescribed medicine that permeates 47.9 % of today’s population, it shows that we are not paying attention, and live happily ignoring the poisons in our foods, even after being stricken with major illnesses like heart problems, stroke, diabetes, etc.

We are not willing to give up our poisons for the sake of what we believe to be better taste until we are deathly ill, or it is too late. One of the main reasons why we hold on to eating deadly foods is because just like a cocaine addict, we are addicted to chemicals in our foods. Recently, a news special covered the subject. And the one not so surprising piece of information in the report was the fact that most of the deep-fried foods served in fast food joints are fried in partially hydrogenated oils!
Supermarkets and many restaurants are not your friends and they will sacrifice your health for profit. So beware and do your research on what restaurant you can trust and what food product you should buy by reading ingredient labels.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer