For decades the medical world, the FDA and the Heart Association have been warning us that eating saturated fat, the type found in meat, cheese, and other dairy foods, can lead to heart disease. Instead, we have been told to choose healthy fats from nuts, seeds, fish, and vegetable oils.

New research questions that belief. A recent review of 72 studies found no link between saturated fat and heart disease. The review also showed that monounsaturated fats like those in olive oil, nuts, and avocados don’t protect against heart disease.
So will saturated fats hurt my heart?
So what is the biggest danger of saturated fats?
- Overconsumption
- Chemically processed foods containing fat
- Nuking instead of cooking
If we control the three steps mentioned above, we will be providing our brain with the needed nutrients and allowing our hearts to function properly free of clogged arteries.
This isn’t the first study to question the idea that saturated fats are bad for your heart. Five years ago, another research review also found no link between saturated fat and heart disease.
Still, these studies aren’t the final word. Right now, not everyone agrees that saturated fats are harmless. The media and major advertising have made sure to scare the public into any which direction benefits them. No media or advertising will say:
“Don’t make a pig of yourself and eat loads of food with saturated fat. Your brain needs it but it can’t handle the overload any more than your automobile can handle 40 gallons of gasoline in an 18 gallon tank!”
But then it’s a well-documented fact that people are addicted to chemicals in foods to the point that they constantly overeat and look for food, medicine and drugs with strong stimulant properties. That being a known fact by food manufacturers, they are more than glad to put addicting chemicals in their food so you can eat until you become so fat that the media has to advertise the biggest lie of them all…that “Fat is Beautiful.” When in fact people that keep themselves in shape may or may not have or be at risk for certain major illnesses, but FAT people and OBESE people are definitely riddled with illnesses and at risk for diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, panic attacks, mood swings, etc.
Your brain lives on saturated fat
The food manufacture industry has only one motto: “Eat until you explode” for there’s many more of you that will spend money on our products. And the major pharmaceutical industry just sits on the sideline waiting for you as you go to your doctor and he/she prescribes enough drugs to keep you breathing as long as possible so they can suck as much money from you and insurance companies as possible…then you can explode, fat, sick, broke and dead.
Major health groups like the American Heart Association say getting a lot of saturated fat raises your chances of getting heart disease — and they aren’t changing their guidelines.

What Should You Eat?
Until science figures out the answer, what should you eat?
- You should eat protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat with every one of your meals.
- You should READ ingredient labels in all packaged and canned goods, to avoid chemicals.
- You should eat “rationally” your stomach is the size of your fist, so feed it the nutrients it needs, not everything that comes within your eyesight.
- Eat fruits only as desert.
- Get your complex carbs from vegetables.
- Stay away from drinking alcohol as much as possible.
- Eat to live not live to eat. That means eating for the nutrient that your body needs and not for fun, entertainment, boredom, thrills, depression, anger, revenge, etc.
- Make sure you stay hydrated.
- 10% of your fat should come from saturated fat to feed your brain. 90% of your fat should be from unsaturated fat to feed your body. 20% of your food should be protein, 20% of your food should be from fats and 60% of your food should be from complex carbohydrates. (Junk food are not complex carbohydrates).
- If you are overeating or addicted to chemically manufactured food work on your brain to break away from those habits, the body will follow…be patient and relentless.
“It’s not your fault, you are an unwilling drug addict put there by your food choices”
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer