Binge Eating Disorders
Secret recurring episodes of binge eating (eating in a discrete period of time an amount of food that is much larger than most individuals would eat under similar circumstances); feels lack of control over ability to stop eating.

- Feelings of disgust, depression, or guilt after overeating, and/or feelings of low self- esteem teals or hoards food in strange places reates lifestyle schedules or rituals to make time for binge sessions.
- Evidence of binge eating, including the disappearance of large amounts of food in a short time period or a lot of empty wrappers and containers indicating consumption of large amounts of food .

Otherwise Specified Feeding Or Eeating Disorders (OSFED)
Because OSFED encompasses a wide variety of eating disordered behaviors, any or all of the following symptoms may be present in people with OSFED.
Frequent episodes of consuming very large amount of food followed by behaviors to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting
- Evidence of binge eating, including disappearance of large amounts of food in short periods of time or lots of empty wrappers and containers indicating consumption of large amounts of food.
- Self-esteem overly related to body image.
- Dieting behavior (reducing the amount or types of foods consumed).
- Expresses a need to “burn off” calories taken in.
- Evidence of purging behaviors, including frequent trips to the bathroom after meals, signs and/or smells of vomiting, presence of wrappers or packages of laxatives or diuretics.
From NEDA Feeding Hope Website
Hector Sectzer
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer