When people decide to lose weight or go on a fitness program and have access to a trainer or coach, one of the most often question when it comes to correct nutrition is “what should I eat?” The second most asked question is “How much of that should I eat?” And the third question is “Can you set a daily meal plan for every meal, snack and drink that I should have?”

To tell a person the simplicity of nutrition, such as “make sure you have protein, carbs, and fats for every meal, just doesn’t compute in the average mind. People don’t understand that if they miss any of the three key nutrition items in any meal, the body starts a process of unbalancing and eventually creates massive cravings just to be able to survive.
Unfortunately, the truth is that it takes numerous reminders and eventually a lifestyle change to get a person to jump aboard the correct nutritional program, instead of the suicidal diet programs they currently experiment with.
The Atkins diet, the Zone diet, the Ketogenic diet, the Vegetarian diet, the Vegan diet, the Weight Watchers diet, the South Beach diet, the Raw food diet, the Elimination, the Paleo, the cleanse diets, etc. are just that, “diets,” meaning a program to temporarily restrict your body from key nutrition needed for it to survive on a healthy basis. This is to be followed by an aggressive weight gain scenario where the individual (victim) gains all the weight they lost plus more.

To simplify what one should eat is a fist measurement of protein, a palm measurement of complex carbohydrates and a fist measurement of fat. When I talk about complex carbohydrates, I don’t mean simple sugars or candy or sweets.
Before even thinking about choosing a nutrition plan, you should have a baseline understanding of essential macronutrients—protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Knowing what they are and what they do can help you decide which foods belong in your nutrition plan and which don’t. It is important that each and every individual educates themselves on what is the proper nutrition for themselves and not rely on a stranger, an organization or a food manufacturer to do it for them.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer