I have listed a series of Herbs that start with the letter “B” to make it easy for you to find the Herb you’re looking for quickly. Please check with your family physician before taking any herb to see if it is safe for you or if there are any possible “reactions” or “interactions” with any prescribed medication, or other supplementation that you may be taking.

Barberry – Reduces heart rate, breathing, and bronchial constriction. Do not use if pregnant. Promotes intestinal movement. Kills bacteria on the skin.
Bayberry – Indicated for circulatory disorders, fever, hypothyroidism, ulcers, eyes, and immune system. Clears congestion, assists circulation, lowers fever. An astringent. Helps stop bleeding.
Bilberry – Helps control insulin levels. Diuretic. Antiseptic for the urinary tract. Indicated for: hypoglycemia, inflammation, stress, anxiety, night blindness, cataracts. Strengthens connective tissue. When taken internally can interfere with iron absorption.
Birch – Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever. Helpful in joint pain and urinary tract infections. Used externally, good for boils and sores.
Black Cohosh – Indicated for: blood pressure, cholesterol, mucus production, cardiovascular & circulatory disorders, arthritis, poisonous snake bites, relieving hot flashes, menstrual cramps, morning sickness, pain. CAUTION: It Induces labor and aids in childbirth. DO NOT USE during pregnancy.
Black Walnut – Assists digestion and healing of mouth or throat sores. Cleanses the body of many parasites. Also indicated for bruising, fungal infection, herpes, poison ivy, and warts.

Blessed Thistle – Anti-inflammatory, circulatory aid, blood purifier, liver healer, and heart strengthener. Increases appetite and stomach secretions. Has been recommended as a brain food. Good for female disorders and increases milk flow for nursing mothers.
Blue Cohosh – Indicated for memory problems, menstrual disorders, nervous disorders, and muscle spasms. Helpful for childbirth as it stimulates uterine contractions. CAUTION: Do not use in first sixth months of pregnancy.
Boldo – Acts as a diuretic, laxative, antibiotic, liver tonic and anti-inflammatory. Aids in the excretion of uric acid and stimulates digestion.
Boneset – Laxative. Anti-inflammatory. Indicated for bronchitis and fever-induced aches and pains. Helps clear congestion, loosen phlegm, reduce fever, increase perspiration, and calm the body. CAUTION: Can become toxic with long-time use.
Borage – Tonic for adrenals. Balances glands. Contains valuable minerals and essential fatty acids helpful to cardiovascular function and healthy skin and nails.
Boswellia – Acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antifungal and antibacterial. Topically used for pain relief. Lowers cholesterol and protects the liver. Useful for arthritis, gout, low back pain, myositis, and fibromyalgia. Helps repair blood vessels damaged by inflammation. Used as a remedy for obesity, diarrhea, dysentery, pulmonary diseases, ringworm and boils.
Buchu – Anti-inflammatory for the colon, gums, mucous membranes, prostate, sinuses, and vagina. Indicated for bladder and kidney problems, diabetes, digestive disorders, fluid retention, and prostate disorders. Particularly helpful for bladder infections.
Burdock – Blood purifier, restores liver and gallbladder function, stimulates immune system. Good for skin disorders (i.e. boils and carbuncles). Relieves gout symptoms.
Butcher’s Broom – Anti-inflammatory. Good for bladder, kidney, and circulatory disorders. Indicated for carpal tunnel syndrome, edema, Meniere’s disease, obesity, Raynaud’s phenomenon, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and vertigo.
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