Unfortunately, most people follow the scale on a daily basis to see the improvement that they had in the past 24 hours. There’s nothing worse mentally than weighing yourself on a daily basis. Weighing yourself once every six months is acceptable. There’s a number of factors that you need to consider before you even get on the scale to see There’s a number of factors that you need to consider before you even get on the scale to see if your weight has gone up or down
• The body doesn’t have an exact weight, it has a weight range of approximately 5+ pounds for women and more for men
• You will weigh more at night than early in the morning
• A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds and it fluctuates with temperature, so it could actually be as high as 10 pounds. So if you even had 8 cups of water during the day plus the liquid and moisture in the food you ate you could be three to three and a half pounds heavier than normal.
• The way your clothes fit is a better measuring ruler than the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are training and getting in shape chances are that you’ll weigh more.
The numbers on the scale will tell you how much you weigh, but they will not tell you the fit condition of your body, the ratio of fat to muscle, the health status of your inner organs, such as your heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.

Fixating on some number you think it ideal for you is obsessive and counterproductive. Concentrate on health by being active by keeping your muscles firm and strong and your lungs healthy.
Letting the scale control your fitness life will bring about psychological issues, doubt, disappointment and fear of eating.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer